Engine filters supplier

Alta temperatura da água do gerador a diesel

Tempo: Apr 27, 2023

High Water Temperature Of Diesel Generator

Alta temperatura da água do gerador a diesel


Failure characteristics and causes of outlet water high temperature of diesel generator.

1.Air in the water pipe.After the generator started,with the rising water temperature,Please loosen the temperature gauge connector of the outlet pipe, drain the air until the water is unblocked, and tighten the joints of the pipe.

2.Insufficient circulating water,Under high load, the temperature of thewater is too high, and the oil temperature also rises.

(1)Pump or fan speed failed

(2)Pump impeller damaged

(3)Too large gap between the pump impeller and the casing

(4)In open circulation, water level is too low,pump can not absorb water.

(5)Insufficient radiator water in closed circulation.

(6)Water pipe blocking



1.Raise water level, add cooling water to clean pipeline and remove dirt in cooling water.

2.In the closed cycle,the radiator surface accumulated too much dirt,affecting the heat dissipation,please remove the dirt accumulation.

3.Substitua o termostato com falha.

4. Conserte ou substitua o medidor de temperatura errado.

5. Há rachaduras na camisa do cilindro. E a água de resfriamento do radiador está borbulhando, substitua a camisa do cilindro.



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