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Funções e recursos do trocador de calor

Tempo: Apr 27, 2023

Funções e recursos do trocador de calor


Sobre trocador de calor

1. Tipo de aleta

tipo de barbatana


2. Tipo de placa

Tipo de placa


3. Casco e tubo

Carcaça e tubos


Sistema de troca de calor

1. Sistema de resfriamento de ar/ar frio

Sistema de ar frio de resfriamento de ar


2. Sistema de resfriamento de ar/água fria

Sistema de água fria de resfriamento de ar


3. Sistema de resfriamento de água/ar frio

Sistema de ar frio de resfriamento de água


Estrutura e características do condensador

1. Resfriado a ar

O ar geralmente é contracorrente, o que é menos eficiente do que os condensadores resfriados a água, e é usado em geradores de pequeno e médio porte.

Refrigerado a ar


2. Casco horizontal - condensador de tubo

There is a partition in the end cover to divide the heat exchange tube into several processes, and most of the even-numbered processes are used to make the pipes on the same side. The refrigerant travels through the shell side,R22 condenses outside the tube, enters the air in the upper part, and discharges from the lower part. The cooling water runs through the pipe; the bottom goes in and the top goes out. Water and R22 flow in the opposite direction. The heat transfer coefficient is higher (compared with air cooling), the cooling water consumption is low (compared with the vertical type), and it is widely used.

Casco horizontal - condensador de tubo


3.Plate-type condenser

The plates are stamped and formed by stainless steel sheets. The refrigerant and cooling water flow between the sheets, with sufficient contact and high heat exchange efficiency. The plate heat exchanger only needs 1/2 to 1/4 of the area of the shell-and-tube heat exchanger to achieve the same heat exchange effect, but with less resistance loss, small footprint, complicated manufacturing process, high price, and easy blockage.

Condensador tipo placa



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